How can you serve as a teacher leader for technology integration in your professional setting?
I think the most effective teachers are those that model skills/concepts to students. By modeling what is expected of students, teachers allow students to feel safe because they know what is expected of them. Moreover, the master teacher should not only model skills/concepts, but should also model behavior.
I think the same can be said about being a teacher leader in a professional setting. For me to serve as a teacher leader, I need to model behavior that is reflective of a professional who wants to stay abreast to best practices in implementing technology into the classroom. This means sharing information with my colleagues. Whenever I come across a useful website, podcast, wiki, or blog, I will immediately email this information to my colleagues.
One of the things we talked about in this class was the rapid rate that information can be disseminated. Unfortunately, sharing information at Hammond High is something we need to grow in. However, reflecting on what I have learned, I now realize that this is the perfect opportunity for me to become a teacher leader in my setting. I can be the one to implement change when it comes to implementing technology into the classroom my showing others what I am currently doing.
If students are excited to come to your class and learn, other teacher's will hear about this and want to know what you're doing. When teacher's approach you then you can show them and talk about some of the things you're doing. Sending out e-mails of good websites another good idea. Last year I sent out an e-mail containing the Prezi site. Some teacher's liked it while others, I'm assuming deleted it without looking at the site.